The Eighth Decade

Name of work: The Eighth Decade

Type of work: Documentary

Description: The work is in the form of documentary which depicts my grand-mom who is in her eightieth. Her husband suicided before Cultural Revolution, she had to adopted 5 children by herself in that poor times. By living with her, I get to know more about her daily life and to understand the subtle change process of deep emotion.

How Have You Been?(你最近好吗?)

Name of work: How have you been?

Type of work: interactive

Specific Operation: On 19th November, I  wrote a diary about my recent life . In order to write sincerely, from the first word to the last word, every sentence in this diary without any modification, then send the diary to about 300 people who I know or I don’t know much through social tools(WeChat and Email). I hope to get some replies from them, but it depends on individuals themselves, which is also related to the final result of the work.

Concept of work:Communication tools make it easier for most people to contact, but in some way, it can also make people increasingly alienated. How to make technology more human? This question needs to be considered, and I would like to get some answers through this work.

The Diary link

I have received nearly 60 replies so far.